Barry-John began his accounting career with BDO Spencer Steward in South Africa in 1996. He then worked in the United States before moving to Australia where he spent two years with KPMG before joining Dry Kirkness in 2010.
Barry-John is the Lead Partner of our audit division and has specialist skills in the mining, oil and gas, construction, logistics, manufacturing and not-for-profit sectors. He advises clients on Australian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards and is responsible for all training and development in our audit division.
“I mostly work with not-for-profit organisations and growing companies ensuring that the appropriate financial disciplines are in place for accurate and timely financial reporting, including acquittals.”
Barry-John has presented many seminars on audit matters for the not-for-profit sector, especially the current requirements of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act and Regulation as well as the newly changed Associations Incorporation Act 2015.
He is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand; and a registered Company Auditor and SMSF Auditor.
Barry-John sits on the Finance Committee of Youthcare, is the treasurer of his local church and enjoys coaching basketball.